Customer Cases and Testimonials

Renault Nordic and AutoUncle: Everyone wants us to succeed

Skrevet af Mads Nørgaard | 21-08-2024 06:21:05


Renault Nordic and AutoUncle have been partners since June 2019.


Renault Nordic and AutoUncle have been partners since June 2019. AutoUncle has provided Renault Nordic with AutoUncle’s Lead Generator on new cars for the and, giving potential customers the possibility to input their car details, contacts, get an online estimation of the value of their car and afterwards be contacted by the selected Renault- or Dacia dealership regarding a trade-in offer and offer to buy a new Renault or Dacia.
In early 2020 the partnership was expanded to also include the Swedish Renault and Dacia-websites.   

By working with AutoUncle, Renault and Dacia as brands, have gained the option of expanding the user experience on the website to our customers, giving them another logical option of what to do when you are visiting us, and that ties into a potential need in our customers and filling that gap. Over time it has generated a lot of sales and it has expanded and improved the user experience. AutoUncle offers a good solution for us and the automotive industry, that is filling a clear need for users and us and it is a good fit for our website. The solution is clean, it is easy to implement and generates actual car sales from the leads that are produced.

The other side, our client to solution relationship, between us is good. AutoUncle has been good at building this relationship with us and we have these different types of discussions about how your integration is generating business, how we do it and that I was not expecting, coming into this partnership, so I have been positively surprised that you put a lot of emphasis on us. 



What makes AutoUncle stand out

I think what makes AutoUncle stand out and what works well is, you are really structured in your approach to us, these meetings that we have with a clear agenda and how you are pushing the business forward for us and us together, creating plans and figuring things out together.

Everything comes down to collaboration, you must have the tool of course, and your tool is a good solution, and it is easy to implement, easy to work with. At the end of the day, it is so much more than that.

Personally, it has been fun working with you guys. Everyone at AutoUncle wants us to succeed. You have a drive and ambition to make it succeed and I think it is refreshing to get this outside perspective from people with drive. It is all about being consistent and that is where our partnership is good and you are consistent with us, how you are following up on things, how things are presented, how you are on top of things, and you want your solution to succeed with us.

The future is going to be a lot more oriented towards the online experience and I absolutely see AutoUncle as a natural part of that, in terms of filling in a role within the trade-in area, and hopefully you will have new solutions and expansions of your fundamental offering we can try out.

All in all, well done on your side, good solution, it really fits our business and especially the way that you are driving the relationship with us.
It is a great partnership.